Saturday, November 5, 2011

Travel Journal: So far......

Travel is in my blood. So far my travel has taken me to four continents and includes: Morocco, Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia, Boznia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Once we arrive in a major city by plane, we rent a car and in some cases have logged more than 5,000 km to see the sites and hear the sounds of these countries. My husband and I enjoy the unstructured and leisurely freedom afforded us by having a car when travelling. Yes, it can be uncertain at times, but those are the driving-related stories you remember the most.

We have travelled across Canada by car from Toronto to Banff, Alberta  and beautiful British Columbia and then in the opposite direction (east) from Toronto through Quebec and the Gaspesie region, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, including Cape Breton and finally along the spectacular Confederation bridge to Prince Edward Island. We have also visited our neighbours to the south, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Alabama, South and 
North Carolina, Florida, New Orleans, Virginia, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusets and New York. We have also been to Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Jamaica, Margarita Island and the Dominican Republic during the cold, Canadian winter months.

Over the coming weeks and months, I will be detailing stories and providing pictures from many of these places. I hope that you will enjoy the stories so much that you will pack your bags and head for some of the most beautiful places around the world. I would even be interested in hearing your own stories and potentially publishing them here. So feel free to send me a note at 

Enjoy the world!