Monday, October 8, 2012

Autumn Colours Along the Humber Shores

By Irene Fantopoulos

Summer's final curtain call has set on Humber Shores. As always, the seasonal changes come abruptly with little warning other than a date on the calendar. As I look to the east, the angle of the setting sun makes the distant city sparkle, the light reflecting off the windows of buildings and skyscrapers along Toronto's skyline. 

With autumn come the glorious colours of the changing leaves, that for some reason have not yet reached their full capacity. They leave behind a combination of barrenness and mediocre colour. Perhaps in a few days they will burst with a rainbow of colour. But if the wind increases, the leaves will scatter without having reached their potential.

While most of us enjoyed the heat of the summer and were thrilled with the rainless days, it is sad to see that Mimico Creek has dried up like a prune.  The tale is telling as desert-like conditions have arrived uninvited to the once fulsome Creek. The water markings along the edge are like a parent's nicks on a doorframe capturing a child's height over time. For the Creek, however, the nicks are on a downward trend, getting lower and lower with each passing day. 
Mimico Creek
Mimico Creek
I wish for snowy days that fill the creeks, rivers and lakes so that in the coming spring life will thrive upon these waterbeds once again.

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