Monday, May 7, 2012

Peter Maher: Follows his Passion through Art

IF: This month, Around the World Travel Blog welcomes Peter Maher, painter, artist and world traveller. Thank you for joining me today, Peter.
PM: Thank you, Irene.
IF: When did you begin painting? 
PM: The earliest painting that I have is one that I did when I was around five years old. I have drawn and painted ever since. My first job was in the royalty department of a publishing house in London, England. This meant I had to write royalty statements in ink with a dip-in pen. One day the owner came by and noticed some scribblings on the blotter and suggested that I apply for the newly vacated job of book designer. From here, I eventually moved on to art director and freelance graphic designer and left London for Toronto. Eventually I freelanced and occasionally did a bit of painting. In 1989 I moved to France until 1991 and, during this time, I worked on renovating a French farm house for an English painter and then started painting with him. When I returned to Toronto I tried to paint one day a week. I moved to France in 2006 and have painted full-time ever since.
IF: What media do you use for your painting? 
PM: I use oil for my paintings but I also sketch in oil, watercolour and coloured pencil.
IF: Which artist, alive or dead, would you say has had the most influence on your work? 
PM: Initially it was Van Gogh but I greatly admire David Hockney, Peter Doig and a local painter, Vincent Bioulés.
IF: How do you get your inspiration? For example, your “Van” series.
PM: I find that I use painting to help me make sense of  the world. When I first arrived in France, I painted the landscape which allowed me to explore the country and the culture. Why were vineyards here? Why were fields a certain shape? Why had people settled here? Then I noticed all these white vans in the landscape and wondered why were they there? What were the people doing? Why was the Pizza van not there on Mondays? Why did the truck loaded with new vans park by the highway all day on Sundays? 
IF: What are you working on currently?
PM: I am starting a new series of portraits of people that I deal with here in France - the hairdresser, the mechanic for my scooter, my baker and the waiter in my local café. I have also done a series of monoprints of London stations and a series of drawings based on a train journey from Toronto to Vancouver. I like working on series of paintings.
IF: Can you explain the process or journey you undergo in creating your paintings?
PM: I use anything and everything from sketches, cut out references from magazines to photographs. These days, I do most of my paintings in the studio.
IF: I understand that you enjoy travelling. Do you paint when you travel or do you reserve that for your retreat in France?
PM: I usually travel with a sketchbook upon which I do watercolours, drawings and paste in various bits and pieces, tickets, pictures, etc. I am currently thinking about buying an iPad to use as a sketchbook.
IF: What is it like to live in the Hérault in the Languedoc region in the south of France?
PM: Wonderful. It is all to do with the pace and quality of life.
IF: What are some of the more interesting places to which you have travelled?
PM: I'm not always so interested in the places that I have visited,  I am interested more in the journey. However, I frequently go to London for a big city fix. In May, I will be in New York City. I hope to travel to Istanbul in September; and Australia in January/February, 2013.
IF: Do you have any other interests that you would like to share with us?
PM: Besides painting, I read quite a lot. I do not have a television, but I enjoy listening to podcasts. I am also enjoying learning a new language and have recently become involved in my new neighbourhood association.
IF: Any final thoughts or comments that you would like to leave with our readers?
PM: Always follow your passion!
IF: Where can our readers get more information about your work?
PM: They can go directly to my website where they will be able to contact me and have a look at my extensive collection of paintings.
IF: Thank you for joining us today. AroundtheWorldTravelBlog wishes you much success with your painting!
PM: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.
What is your passion? Please comment below.

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