Sunday, February 24, 2013

Top 10 Things to Do in New York City on a Budget

I’m often asked, is New York City expensive?

Well, yes it is, if you go for haute couture or haute cuisine. But it doesn’t have to be. In a recent trip to NYC, I focused on discovering some free or relatively inexpensive things to do.
Here are my recommendations:

Ten Super Foods to Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer

There is a lot of information out there saying to “eat this,” or “don’t eat that.”

These foods will help with the common cold. This herb will help with digestion. How can one surf through these competing messages and make the right choice when it comes to combatting the prospect of prostate cancer?

In 2011, Cancer Canada reported 25,500 cases of diagnosed prostate cancer and 4,100 deaths. The probability of developing this insidious cancer, over one’s lifetime, is one in seven.

So what can men of all ages do? Well gentlemen, after reviewing a number of sources, I have distilled the myriad of information into 10 super foods that could potentially reduce your risk of prostate cancer.